Morrinsville Intermediate School - Kia U Ki Te Pai - Whatever You Do, Let It Be Your Best

24 Elizabeth Avenue, Morrinsville    Phone: 07 889 6629    Email:

Rebecca Gabel


RTLB Ngaruawahia Primary School


General Information

Ko Mamaru te waka
Ko Parata te tangata
Ko Maungataniwha te maunga
Ko Tokerau te moana
Ko Ngāti Tara te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahu me Te Paatu ōku iwi
Ko Rebecca Gabel tōku ingoa

Tēnā koutou katoa. I am really excited to be joining the team of Te Parirau o Tainui Waka – RTLB Cluster 14. I am from the Far North and grew up in a small town called Kawakawa, but I have now lived in Waikato for over 20 years. I have been teaching at Primary School level, as both a classroom teacher and a Syndicate Leader for the last ten years. I enjoy study and am currently completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Māori Education. Outside of work I have an involvement in coaching netball and I also enjoy spending lots of time with my whānau and friends. I look forward to meeting and working with you all in 2020!

Ngā mihi nui,

Important Notices

  • Happy New Year - welcome to 2025!

    Our office is now closed and will re-open from 28th January (limited hours).

    We are holding an Open Afternoon on Wednesday 29th January from 1.30pm to 3pm. Students are invited to pop into class, drop off their stationery, see their teacher and have a look around. All welcome including new enrolment enquiries.

    Stationery packs are now available for purchase at Paper Plus Morrinsville.

    School starts for all students on Monday 3rd February.