Morrinsville Intermediate School is located in the heart of the Waikato Region situated in the town of Morrinsville. The school roll is currently 307 students.
School Motto: The Morrinsville Intermediate School Motto is: "Kia U Ki Te Pai, Whatever you do, let it be your best.” This is enacted through doing our best for:
- Rangatiratanga (ourselves)
- Manaakitanga (others)
- Whakawhanaungatanga (the community)
- Kaitiakitanga (the environment)
School Vision: "Empowering Learners to Succeed".
At Morrinsville Intermediate School we believe that...
- All students can learn and achieve personal excellence
- Learning will be holistic
- Teachers will provide an environment to challenge and empower all students as learners
- All people will feel valued, included and respected
- We are a learning community who work in partnership for the benefit of all
- Strong and positive relationships are fostered within the school and wider community
Core values of Morrinsville Intermediate School: Respect, independence, confidence, co-operation, commitment, resilience, curiosity, integrity, empathy, tolerance, appreciation, creativity.