Bailee Foulds

Team Leader Technology
General Information
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Ingarangi me Kōtirana te whakapaparanga mai
Ko Te Aroha te whenua tupu
Nō Heretaunga au
Kei Kirikiriroa au e noho ana
Ko Bailee Foulds tōku ingoa
Kia ora, my name is Bailee!
I was born in Hastings but made the shift to the mighty Waikato when I was four years old. I then grew up in Te Aroha and later attended The University of Waikato where I studied a Bachelor of Teaching and a Bachelor of Arts. I have been a teacher at Morrinsville Intermediate since the beginning of 2018. Over the years I have had many different roles across the school, I love the variety that comes with my diverse position! I currently teach Robotics, release homeroom teachers and am the leader of the specialist team.