Morrinsville Intermediate School - Kia U Ki Te Pai - Whatever You Do, Let It Be Your Best

24 Elizabeth Avenue, Morrinsville    Phone: 07 889 6629    Email:

Our People / Staff emails

Staff at Morrinsville Intermediate. Click on individual staff members to see their email address and further information.

Morrinsville Intermediate is the Lead School for Cluster 14 and the Head Office is based at our school.

Important Notices

  • Year 7 & 8 'Well Child' Immunisation Information:
    An education session will be held at school by the Public Health Nurse on Monday 10th February. If you do not want your child to attend this session please contact the school office ASAP on 07 889 6629.
    Please note this is part of the Well Child immunisation schedule, nothing to do with Covid-19 vaccinations.

    All students will be given a consent form which parents need to complete regardless of whether you are giving consent or not. All consent forms must be returned to school.

    If parents would like more information please contact Public Health Nurse Keren Johnston on 07 838 3565.